Our Men's Shed fosters camaraderie, our Health Promotion programs offer informative seminars and courses to help our community make healthier lifestyle choices, while our Op Shop contributes vital funds to special projects at Gisborne Oaks Residential Aged Care home. Join us in building a connected, vibrant community that promotes both social wellbeing and overall healthy living.
Our Community Connection & Health Promotion services:
Health Promotion
Our aim is to work with communities to co-create healthy and equitable futures.
At Macedon Ranges Health, we recognise that everyone’s health is created by the conditions in which they are born, grow, live, work and age.
Our health promotion projects aim to give everyone the best chance of a healthy life by supporting people to gain the skills and resources they need to be healthy, making the environments in which we spend our time safe and supportive of good health, and working with the community to enable people to take action on the things that are important to them.
Our Health Promotion Team works across the Macedon Ranges. We work in partnership with the community, local government, schools, early childhood services, public housing and organisations to improve health and wellbeing of population groups experiencing health inequities.
Our Strategic Prevention Plan outlines our health focus areas:
- Healthy eating
- Active living
- Improving mental health
- Smoking and vaping cessation
Our plan is aligned to the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2019-23
Community Partnerships
Are you a community group or organisation that would like to collaborate on a health promotion initiative that has a focus on healthy eating, active living, smoking cessation and/or improving mental wellbeing?
If so, we would love to hear from you. Reach out to our Health Promotion Coordinator: Kristen.Holding@benetas.com.au

Gisborne Men's Shed
The Gisborne Men’s Shed was registered with the Australian Men’s Shed Association in 2011, becoming Shed Number 85 of now over 1,100 member sheds. To find out more ring 5428 0300 or email: gisbornemensshed@gmail.com
Well-being is important too
The role of a Men’s Shed is to support men of all ages in their quest to improve physical and mental health by providing somewhere to go, someone to talk to and something to do. Although the first hour of every open day is all about connecting over a cuppa and a chat, for those who wish to make something out of wood, metal or plastic our workshop has a wide variety of facilities. Among the membership is a great depth of design and construction skills to assist less experienced members.
In the community
Our mission is to connect with each other and our community. We do this through a range of activities including fund-raising for the Gisborne Foodbank by building and raffling a Cubby House, working with teenage boys in our Young Shedmen program and participating in the annual Gisborne Christmas Parade.
For more information visit our Facebook page.

Gisborne Opportunity Shop
Opportunity on Hamilton Opportunity Shop
If you're looking for a hidden treasure, visit us today.
About us
Opportunity on Hamilton is run by friendly Macedon Ranges Health volunteers and raises funds to provide special programs for The Oaks Residential Aged Care facility.
Opportunity on Hamilton is located at 80 Hamilton Street and is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4pm.
We welcome donations in good condition or small items of furniture, clothing, collectibles, china, books, household items and bric-a-brac. Donated goods can be left at the op shop during business hours.